Volunteer/Intern Opportunities
Over 10,000 hours a year go into operating the dA to benefit the surrounding community.
We are seeking individuals who are willing to share their talents with our dedicated working Board of Directors, a core of amazing volunteers and staff to help the dA to better serve the community.
dA Volunteers/Interns are True Partners for True Needs!
Why should you become a dA Volunteer?
To support a community that needs your help, to make an impact on other
individual lives, to make new friends, to be part of a team, to be an agent
of change and FOR THE LOVE OF THE ARTS!
Volunteer/Intern Opportunities:
Gallery Assistants, Art Installation team members, Exhibition Hospitality crew, Concert Production crew, and Office Administrators are some of the many fulfilling opportunities that await an interested volunteer or intern.
Volunteer everyday or for onetime events:
Second and Last Saturday Exhibition Receptions
The dA Concert Series
Special Events
Offsite Events
Information Desk
Administrative Office